In October, I told a colleague that I was interested in a "shake up". I needed a change. I don't mind change: change keeps me honest to my values, change keeps me learning and growing, change creates opportunity.
Change is also HARD. Unpredictable. Unknown. Change can feel as though I am out of control.
And change is happening at a rate that I cannot escape it. I don't think any of us have escaped the pivots of the last year or so. We have changed so much - who we see, how we see them, what we do, how we do it. I also asked for a shake up, so I wanted to understand what I was hoping for. Here is my one big take away regarding change:

Change is the only constant in life.
We can't stop change. We can respond to change. If it is the only constant in life, then it is worth our time to find a go-to response we can live with. My response to change is generally positive. I see the possibilities. I see growth. Progress. I also wrote my college thesis about how progress is not always good. So I also look for the pitfalls. When change occurs, I think about the following questions:
What is the change?
Why is it happening now and to us?
How will it affect me and those I love?
I am about to change jobs. I have been a teacher for 18 years in a classroom in the same school. I love my teaching job. Teaching has deeply impacted my identity - both who I think I am and how others see me. And I am changing positions.
What is the change? I am shifting the kind of educating I do - from inside the classroom as a teacher to being an assistant principal.
Why is it happening now and to us? A unique opportunity arose in the district. An interim position became available. This is a six month position. I can try it out. They can try me out. COVID 19 has caused a mounting reform in education to truly begin. Schools are undergoing massive change and quickly. Schools will not go back to "normal" and that is okay with me. We need to ditch the systems that are not working well and make some needed shifts to the 21st century which is nearly a quarter over! I seized this opportunity as the shake up I was looking for. I am not leaving education (or going to the dark side), I am educating in a new way and being part of the reform. Interestingly, in a life-coaching way.
How will it affect me and those I love? Oh, the ripple effects of this change! This decision has impact on my family, my students, my friends and colleagues, and my mindset. The thing is - I cannot control the responses of anyone of those people. I can only control my own response. I have set mind to see possibilities. And I am thrilled to take on this new challenge. I am also terrified. I am going to make massive mistakes and celebrate exciting victories. I am going to lean on my values and my valued teammates and together, we will make it work. It will not always be pretty. But I have my response in my pocket: to look for what is possible.
I believe it is possible to continue my work with teenagers as a life coach and as an assistant principal. I have two new workshops to offer: Who Am I? An Identity Workshop for Teens, and Building Resiliency: Workshop for Teens to Change Anxiety into Resilience, Courage, and Confidence. BOTH workshops will be held on the following dates, in the afternoon (1-3 or 4-6): January 9, February 6, and March 6.
Who Am I? An Identity Workshop for Teens
This engaging and thoughtful workshop gives teens a place to:
develop language to describe who they are
identify what is working and what isn’t in their lives
reflect on how they want to feel and be in the world.
Ages: 14-18 years old
2 hours
Building Resiliency: Workshop for Teens to Change Anxiety into Resilience, Courage, and Confidence
This fast-paced workshop gives teens the beginning steps to:
understand when and why we feel anxious
recognize and control our response to worries and anxieties
develop a resilient mindset; one that increases confidence, courage, hope, and motivation
take home a handbook of tools to work through worries and anxieties
Ages 13-17 year olds
2 hours